One of my ‘titles’ as a Presbyterian Pastor is ‘moderator’! It means that I moderate our ruling board’s (Session) meetings and congregational meetings. As the term implies – I have to be moderate! That’s particularly important when there might be divisions or differences of opinion or a vote that isn’t unanimous. That does happen in the church. At Summit Church we are contemplating buying some adjacent property – and not everyone (on Session – and I’m sure in the congregation) are on the same page. Regardless of the outcome – for me as moderator – I need to trust in God’s peace. I also remember that ‘all things work together for the good for those who love the Lord!’ God’s peace and God’s plan get me through it!
I am not moderator of our nation though. With the current situation going on in our country, I’m thinking that no matter what the outcome – I cannot see us being more unified – again, REGARDLESS OF THE OUTCOME. I have members who have strong opinions on both sides – they love the Lord and they love each other. I keep thinking to myself – “What if after all this current situation is behind us – what if you approached a person with the other opinion and prayed with them – talked with them – asked them how can we move forward together – bend a little bit so that – AT LEAST IN THE BODY OF CHRIST – we could come together? Probably won’t happen – seems impossible. Wait – doesn’t the Bible say ‘With God All Things Are Possible?’ So, when you find divisiveness in the world; our nation; your family; your church; your heart – maybe we can accept that peace God wants to give us.